Our Story
I grew up in a household with a lot of relatives. One in particular, my Uncle George, inspired me in the most profound of ways. He was born with 3 chambers in his heart and not expected to make it to adulthood, was walking in braces before reaching his teenage years, suffered multiple strokes, had multiple falls leading to broken hips and hospital stays, ultimately spending most of his adult life in a wheelchair or fully bedridden. But he never had a moment of complaint. He lived his life to the fullest extent his body allowed, miraculously past the age of 70. He never stopped finding a way to make others around him smile; he never stopped wanting to learn (we used to call him the Human Encyclopedia); never stopped finding a way to love and make others feel loved. Whether watching cartoons and playing board games, to opening baseball cards and doing Mad Libs, I can recall to the fullest extent the joy I felt being with him.
4 Chamber Sound is a dedication to my Uncle George. It’s a realization of how my passion for sound can be harnessed in a way that affords others what my uncle inspired in me throughout my childhood: curiosity; thirst for learning; loving and feeling deeply. He found a way to thrive in his life despite the constraints into which he was born. I believe that the most profound and meaningful experiences in life arise from constraints in some form. With 4 Chamber Sound, my goal is to, no matter the reality of our lives’ or project’s constraints, create incredibly meaningful sonic experiences that a child experiencing for the first time will remember the rest of her life, that invite a never-ending curiosity and thirst for learning, that truly make us feel deeply and inspire us to share that joy with others.

Matthew Barile
Founder, 4 Chamber Sound
To learn more about Barile’s experience prior to founding 4 Chamber Sound, use our contact form to reach out. Resume and previous work examples available upon request.